Tahukah Anda

170 Types of Carbon Credits: A Path to Net-Zero

Intensify Climate Action! Businesses must prioritize avoiding and reducing emissions first, using innovative technologies to mitigate their carbon footprint. Only after these efforts should carbon credits be considered to offset any remaining emissions.

The Role of Carbon Credits: While they shouldn’t replace rigorous decarbonization efforts, carbon credits are a valuable tool in the journey to net-zero. When used wisely, they can help offset emissions that are tough to eliminate, complementing broader sustainability strategies.

Ecosystem Marketplace monitors over 170 types of carbon credits, organized into eight key segments:

  • Renewable Energy: Solar, wind, biogas, and other renewable sources.
  • Household & Community: Clean cookstoves, water purification, and biogas initiatives.
  • Chemical / Industrial: Carbon capture, refrigerant management, and destruction of harmful gases.
  • Energy Efficiency: Measures to reduce energy consumption across sectors.
  • Waste Disposal: Waste incineration, gas recovery, and recycling programs.
  • Agriculture: Managing emissions from livestock, nitrogen, and sustainable farming practices.
  • Transport: Public transportation enhancements and shipping efficiency initiatives.
  • Forestry & Land Use: Afforestation, reforestation, and soil carbon management.

A Balanced Approach: By carefully selecting the right combination of carbon credits and sustainability initiatives, businesses can drive significant environmental and community impact.

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