Dampak Negatif Ekspor Pertanian Tropis terhadap Keanekaragaman Hayati Global
Universitas Teknik Munich (TUM), Jerman, dan ETH Zurich, Swiss, mengungkapkan bahwa ekspor produk pertanian dari wilayah tropis ke negara-negara seperti…
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30% increases in cycling across Scotland
Scotland’s cycling revolution is in full swing, with national cycle counter data revealing a remarkable surge in two-wheeled journeys. Across…
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Building a sustainable future | rural infrastructure development through pamsimas and BUMDES collaboration
Rural development is not just a component of national progress it is the foundation upon which a country’s growth stands.…
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Global climate action: COP29 azerbaijan key takeaways
For those eager to catch up on the biggest climate moments at #COP29, here’s a quick yet impactful summary to…
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What does Indonesia’s new president mean for the country’s just energy transition?
When Prabowo Subianto was sworn in as Indonesia’s eighth president on October 20, 2024, many hoped for bold leadership on…
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Energi hijau kunci masa depan berkelanjutan untuk Indonesia dan dunia
Di tengah tantangan global terkait perubahan iklim, energi hijau telah menjadi pilar penting untuk menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik.…
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Hari pohon sedunia | refleksi diri atas deforestasi hutan Indonesia
Sebagai mahasiswa teknik lingkungan yang belajar tentang kondisi hutan dan jejak karbon, Hari Pohon Sedunia bisa menjadi ajang harapan sekaligus…
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Hari Tanah Sedunia 5 Desember 2024: Tema dan Latar Belakang
Tanggal 5 Desember 2024 diperingati sebagai Hari Tanah Sedunia (World Soil Day). Hari ini menjadi momentum penting untuk memusatkan perhatian…
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COP29 UN climate conference agrees to triple finance to developing countries, protecting lives and livelihoods
The UN Climate Conference (COP29), held in Baku, Azerbaijan, culminated in a significant achievement that marks a turning point in…
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Why solely focusing on ESG compliance is costly and short-sighted | a call for transformative action
In the world of business today, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are no longer optional they are essential. However,…
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