Indeks Desa Wisata Berketahanan
Desa merupakan sebuah entitas sosial dan ekonomi yang masih sarat dengan nilai-nilai kehidupan tradisi lokal. Berkembangnya pariwisata akhir-akhir ini turut…
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Interpreting the contemporary city: technology, data, and sustainable development
Understanding the complexities of a contemporary city is no longer just the responsibility of policymakers and developers; it’s a challenge…
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Understanding carbon neutrality: a pathway to sustainable economic development
Projections indicate that cities are responsible for approximately 75 percent of global carbon emissions, underscoring their critical role in tackling…
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Tourism Without The Box New Way of Thinking
Kita sering mendengar istilah thinking outside the box sebagai cara berpikir kreatif dengan perspektif baru. Namun, thinking without the box…
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Tourism Without The Box New Hope – New Action
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyadarkan kita bahwa “manusia merencanakan, namun Tuhan yang menentukan.” Semua keberhasilan pembangunan yang telah dicapai selama ini…
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Tourism Without the Box Rethinking Tourism
Pariwisata adalah sektor yang sangat dinamis, di mana berbagai perubahan eksternal memengaruhi perilaku manusia dan berdampak langsung pada cara mereka…
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Ecocity – how to make it happen?
This book is based on the project ECOCITY – Urban Development towards Appropriate Structures for Sustainable Transport. It was written…
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Think 4: Ngobrolin Desa Wisata
Think 4 adalah seri keempat dari kumpulan tulisan pendek saya yang mengulas berbagai isu terkait pariwisata. Di dalam buku ini,…
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Healthy buildings, cities and you
The perceived environment and the climate affects people´s physical and mental health. More than 50% of the world’s population live…
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Circular economy guidebook for cities
Globally, 3 million people move to urban areas every week. 54% of the world’s population live in urban areas, and…
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