Copenhagen – Beyond Green

The city of Copenhagen is well known as a green city.
Through strategic urban planning and a history of environmental ambitions, Copenhagen
has created swarms of cyclists, large recreational areas, a high share of renewable energy,
clean water in its harbor, and a world class system of district heating and integrated public
So when the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked 30 European cities for Siemens in 2009, it
was no surprise that Copenhagen came out on top. Today, Copenhagen is a well-known role
model for cities with green aspirations.
What is not as well known about being a green city are the social and economic benefits.
The mission of Green Growth Leaders is to examine the evidence of green growth and
document the benefits. It is from this starting point we set out to examine the economic
and social benefits of green initiatives in Copenhagen. What we have learned is that urban
green investments offer benefits far beyond environmental. What we have found is evidence
of how sustainable life can be more fun, more profitable, and healthier, than
ordinary life.
Investing in cycling lanes not only cuts CO2 emissions and improves citizens’ health and
quality of life, but improves the bottom line of the city. Cleaning the water in the harbor not
only improves the environment, but increases real estate values, local business life and tourism. Investing in an integrated public transport system not only reduces traffic congestion,
but saves billions of dollars and keeps the city efficient and competitive. Homegrown energy
not only produces electricity, but allows local businesses to become strong and competitive.
Green must, therefore, be seen in a broader perspective than strictly environmental. It is not
only about reducing CO2 emissions. It is also about improving quality of life and creating
jobs and business opportunities throughout the entire economy – not just in the clean-tech
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