Cycling Infrastructure
Cycling infrastructure includes facilities that are dedicated for cycle use, as well as specific standards for general infrastructure to meet the needs of cycle users. This document explains how to choose approved cycleway facilities for each street type. It provides requirements for specific features relating to the implementation of cycleways, and for supporting infrastructure such as cycle parking.
This tool is used to assess the Quality of Service provided by existing infrastructure, and by proposed infrastructure, to determine safe and consistent routes of travel for people on bikes. This sets out the process for planning a transport network. It provides guidance on the strategic types of street and the functions and features to be expected in each street, together with modal priorities. It also describes the process for resolving conflicts for priorities. This should be used to resolve the common issues around general traffic provision with other modes of transport. This sets out principles for design of the various urban street types.
Chapter 1: Design Principles – These principles must be understood by all designers as the basis for decisions, and the approach to be taken in the design process. In particular, this sets out how safety must be incorporated in all design work.
Chapter 2: Neighbourhood Design – Focuses on design aspects of planned networks, either as a means of designing the relationship between land use and movement, or for evaluating the local design context for a specific street or place within a neighbourhood. It also includes guidance on environmental design within a neighbourhood.
Chapter 3: Street Users – Takes each user group in turn, and describes their needs, specific design principles, and the features that can be provided for them. Having understood principles and context, this chapter guides the choice of elements for each user to meet the planned function.
Chapter 4: Design Controls – Deals with the issues of geometric design that need to be considered to ensure that drivers of vehicles in particular are guided to behave reliably in the way planned for them, safely and efficiently.
Chapter 5: Street Types and Chapter 6: Intersections – These chapters can then be used to put the elements together in accordance with the design principles into street and intersection layouts that will effectively deliver the planned outcomes. Typical layouts are shown, not as finished designs, but to illustrate the design considerations required to fit elements together into the design of a whole place.
This is to be developed later, to set principles for design of the various rural road types. Where any deviations from the standards are necessary, they must be clearly documented and must follow the AT Departures from Standard process. This includes existing cycling infrastructure that is not included in this Code as an approved type, but is affected by a design.
This code gives Preferred dimension or options. If a design does not meet these Preferred requirements, a Departure from Standard must be applied for. Alternative Minimum dimensions are given as a guide only, to indicate the limit for which a Departure might be considered.
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