
Cycling Pathways

Researching and writing this book was not unlike one of my weekend bike rides: long, full of (mental) ups and downs, increasingly challenging as the end approached, and, over the past year and a half, often quite solitary. Reaching the end of such a ride often requires a bit of tailwind or shelter behind fellow cyclists. Similarly, completing this PhD has been made possible with the help of many people along the way, without whom this book would not have been written.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my supervisors Ruth Oldenziel and Frank Veraart. They have shaped this project in many decisive ways. They began studying cycling at a time when it was not taken seriously as a topic of historical research, and they remain deeply interested in it. I could not have wished for supervisors more genuinely invested in this project. They were always willing and enthusiastic when reading my drafts and considering the issues. Their many insightful suggestions improved this book immeasurably. Without their patience, unwavering support, and belief in my work throughout the process, this study would simply not have been possible.

I also gratefully acknowledge the help of those who generously took the time to read and comment on my many drafts: Peter Norton, Arwen Mohun, Frank Schipper, Bert Toussaint, Rick Lindeman, and especially Adri Albert de la Bruhèze, all of whom provided valuable insights from different perspectives. Special thanks go to Frank for initiating the project and familiarizing me with the academic world and the PhD process.

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I have gained a deeper understanding of the more recent history of cycling in the Netherlands thanks to interviews with former policymakers and activists who graciously contributed their time. I am particularly grateful to Jan Ploeger, who generously shared his extensive knowledge of cycling policy history and his library of policy documents, which have benefited this book enormously.

Many thanks also to the archivists whose assistance made this project possible. I would particularly like to thank ANWB archivist Leo van Luxemburg for being so helpful and accommodating in providing access to archives that were not open to the public, as well as many state archives I have visited.


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