The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has recognized the high potential for energy efficiency improvement and has embarked upon several major energy efficiency initiatives. The KSA’s interest in pursuing energy efficiency is driven by the potential financial and economic benefits at the fiscal and strategic levels. Hence, the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC) was established to promote energy efficiency across the key sectors and unify the effort of government and non-government players in achieving the energy efficiency goals for KSA. One of the important objectives of SEEC is the establishment of policies and programs to facilitate the implementation of energy saving measures in facilities. To accomplish this objective, SEEC has deployed several initiatives to promote the development of a thriving Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) sector and scale up demand-side energy efficiency implementation in buildings in the KSA using the energy saving performance contracting (ESPC) approach. A critical element for the successful implementation of ESPC for building energy efficiency requires the adoption, promotion and widespread utilization of a robust and practical measurement and verification (M&V) framework for assessing the resulting energy saving. SEEC therefore is establishing the methodologies, protocols, and plans for M&V and has prepared this M&V User Guide for the KSA. In preparing the second version of the User Guide on M&V, SEEC drew from latest publications of IPMVP & lessons learned from KSA, in addition to the international experiences to develop and update a framework for conducting M&V. Local experience over the past 8 years & international experience have revealed that the practice of M&V typically involves the need for educated individuals guided by a set of principles, following common methods, and using consistent terminology. Accordingly, all major M&V documents are guidelines, laying out general procedures to be adapted to each specific situation under consideration. In addition to general procedures, all guidelines emphasize the need for a site-specific M&V plan based on common terminology. Perhaps the most widely adopted international standard is the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). This User Guide draws frequently from the core concepts of M&V as defined in IPMVP. While a common set of procedures and definitions, as set out in this User Guide, is a key element in the development of a robust M&V capability, it must be accompanied by the development of human resources to implement the M&V procedures. This User Guide provides an overview of the framework that SEEC has developed to assure that Best Practice M&V methods become the norm in all areas of the ESPC approach in the KSA, both within public projects and in the general economy.
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