Green open space (GOS) is a green area that is built to provide benefits, very important for health and well-being throughout life, and contribute to the sustainability of an area (Villanueva et al., 2015). GOS has become a major element of a city’s transformation into a more natural environment (Chiang, 2009). Urban green space has social and psychological functions for city residents and the key to the sustainability of a city (Chiesura, 2004). Based on Law Number 26 Year 2007, the target of urban GOS for public is 20% and private is 10%. The condition of Public GOS based on Forestry Agency in 2017 was only around 4.65% while there was no sufficient data for private GOS. Based on the description, there is a gap between existing conditions and targets. Based on the RPJMD 2007-2012, Jakarta Capital City Government (JCCG) is mandated to compile GOS Masterplan, but until now, the Masterplan has not been completed. Another problem that was found was the difference in the amount of GOS achievement in several agency in JCCG. There is no GOS baseline officially issued by JCCG. The purpose of this research is to analyze the extent and distribution of GOS in Jakarta, analyze planning, budgeting, and implementation of GOS management activities in Jakarta, and analyze the patterns of interaction between actors involved in the formulation of GOS plans in Jakarta. The research method used to determine the extent and distribution of GOS is spatial analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by comparing the GOS area in year 2011, 2018, and the green plan on the Jakarta Spatial Planning 2030. The method used to analyze the planning and implementation of GOS management activities is through policy analysis through semi-structured interviews with all agency in JCCG who involved GOS management and also literature studies. The method used to determine the pattern of interaction between actor in the formulation of GOS Masterplan is the analysis of Actor Network Theory (ANT) from the results of interviews with informants. The pattern of network relations of actors is described using the UNICET software version 6.668 for Windows (Borgatti et al., 2002). The results showed that the area of GOS in Jakarta in 2011 was 3,816.34 ha (5.84%) and decreased by 342.40 ha in 2018 to 3,473.94 ha (5.31%). The largest decrease in Universitas Indonesia xxiii the area of GOS occurred in the green line zone of 255.11 ha. The largest reduction in GOS occurred in the South Jakarta area at 109.42 ha. The area of GOS in 2018 when compared to the green plan on the Jakarta Spatial Planning 2030 of 7,520.96 ha, has a difference of 4,047.02 ha. The distribution of GOS spreads in five administrative cities, with the largest area being in the East Jakarta area of 1,350.52 ha. Planning and budgeting for GOS management activities in Jakarta is carried out at the Forestry Agency and 5 municipal administrative departments. Planning for GOS management activities is inadequate because there is no GOS Masterplan and political factors. Planning for GOS management activities in Jakarta is carried out at the Forestry Agency and 5 Forestry Agency in City Administration with the largest budget in 2018 worth Rp. 3,275,293,664,071 and the lowest in 2017 worth Rp. 1,261,119,964,216 with the largest budget proportion is land acquisition. he implementation of the success of the GOS management program in Jakarta is influenced by many factors, such as politics, lack of involvement of the stakeholders, availability of budgets, regulations, activities of goods and services, and technical difficulties in the field. The lowest percentage of budget absorption occurred in 2014 at 34.30% and the highest in 2018 at 93.16%. The pattern of interaction in the formulation of the GOSMasterplan in Jakarta is the formation of a network of actors with key actors, the Governor, Forestry Agency, and Bappeda as a liaison. The Governor as a central actor in directing and coordinating the actors below him and other actors. The betweeness centrality in this network is only 26.75%, indicating weak centrality as a facilitator on the network. Based on the research carried out, the advice that can be given to the JCCG is the area of GOS in 2018 of 5.31% with uneven distribution per city administration can be used as additional information in making GOS baselines in Jakarta. Detailed comparison of green plans on RDTR and PZ with existing green conditions at the kecamatan and kelurahan level. The North Jakarta and West Jakarta regions which have the lowest area in DKI Jakarta Province can be prioritized in the construction of GOS by the Forestry Agency. Improve coordination between regional government in the formulation of GOS Masterplan in Jakarta. Related to the determination of GOS baselines, it is expected that JCCG will coordinate with the Central Government (Ministry of ATR of the Republic of Indonesia) on the definition of Public Open Space in the explanation of Law Number 26 of 2007. Include stakeholders outside the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in formulating the GOS Masterplan and compile a Governor’s Decree and / or Regulation regarding GOS.
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