Livable & Sustainable Cities
Dramatic Physical Transformation of Singapore: The Transformation of Singapore over the past five decades has garnered increasing attention worldwide, especially from developing nations. Just 50 years ago, 1.35 million out of 1.7 million people lived in squatter colonies. Within a single generation, Singapore evolved into a modern metropolis devoid of homelessness, squatter settlements, poverty-stricken areas, or ethnic enclaves.
The Need for Knowledge Capture: Amidst rapid urbanization and development, it became apparent that the tacit knowledge of Singapore’s urban planning leaders needed to be preserved. This led to the establishment of the Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) in 2008. The aim was to revisit pivotal government policies and document the collective insights from professional bodies, public organizations, and civic groups. These insights serve as a valuable resource for future planners in Singapore and beyond.
Global Engagement: Recognizing the importance of learning from other cities worldwide, the CLC has actively sought to establish connections with various urban centers. Through these efforts, valuable lessons from diverse urban experiences are exchanged and incorporated into Singapore’s framework.
Sharing Singapore’s Story: The publication “Liveable and Sustainable Cities: A Framework” endeavors to share four key aspects of Singapore’s urbanization journey with the world. It begins by outlining the genesis of the CLC Liveability Framework, offering insights and lessons that can inform urban development initiatives globally.
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