More Growth, Less Garbage

“More Growth, Less Garbage” was prepared by Silpa Kaza (Task Team Leader) with support from Siddarth Shrikanth and Sarur Chaudhary. This effort builds upon “What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050,” a publication funded by the government of Japan through the World Bank’s Tokyo Development Learning Center. “More Growth, Less Garbage” was prepared by the World Bank’s Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice and funded by the World Bank and the Tokyo Development Learning Center.
Updated data was provided or confirmed by Abeer Al-Aysah, lead statistician in the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority of the United Arab Emirates; Elynur Saad, senior executive in the National Environment Agency of Singapore; Jaemin Song, professor at Seoul National University; Shiko Hayashi, programme director at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; and Harsh Goyal, Kremena Ionkova, Silpa Kaza, Sandeep Kota, Catalina Marulanda, and Frank Van Woerden from the World Bank. Tony Fujs from the World Bank’s Development Economics Group manages the waste management database and interactive website and has included the updated data and waste generation projections estimations.
Sarur Chaudhary modeled the waste generation projections and further developed the regression model from “What a Waste 2.0,” originally built by Mersedeh TariVerdi. Mersedeh TariVerdi provided critical guidance for this updated analysis.
The team acknowledges the individuals who generously provided information and feedback for the case studies: Shiko Hayashi, programme director at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; Haruka Imoto, operations officer at the World Bank; Jaka Kranjc at Zero Waste Europe; Michael Orr, recycling director at the Cambridge Department of Public Works; Jaemin Song, professor at Seoul National University; and Rap Villavicencio, project officer at the Mother Earth Foundation. The case studies were written by Siddarth Shrikanth.
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