Nature-Based Placemaking
This handbook was developed through a collaboration between the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and the Pennsylvania Downtown Center (PDC), a statewide nonprofit corporation. The principles and methodologies outlined herein can serve as a guide for communities seeking to leverage their natural recreational resources to bolster community and economic development strategies.
DCNR enlisted PDC to craft a unified strategy dubbed Nature-Based Placemaking (N-B Placemaking), aiming to tap into both the economic and quality of life opportunities such an endeavor could offer communities, enabling them to maximize their potential. This initiative stemmed from DCNR’s Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan 2009-2013: The Keystone for Healthy Living. The handbook and its associated assessment tools are adaptable for communities of all sizes, be they rural, urban, or suburban, and possessing various recreational assets.
This multi-year program development endeavor evolved as the concept was refined and tested through several pilot projects. Throughout this process, the concept of N-B Placemaking was introduced to diverse audiences, including but not limited to, attendees of two separate American Planning Association PA Chapter annual conferences, two separate PA Greenways and Trails Summits, numerous local and regional groups, as well as audiences in Michigan, Illinois, and West Virginia. The positive responses from these varied audiences underscored the relevance of this concept and its capacity to meet the needs of numerous communities with outdoor recreational assets. The development of this concept continued with the implementation of Nature-Based Placemaking 2.0 from 2017-2019.
Gratitude is owed to several DCNR staff members for their invaluable contributions throughout the project, including Lauren Imgrund, Deputy Secretary for Conservation and Technical Services; Diane Kripas, Division Chief, Recreation and Conservation Partnerships Division, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation; Mike Eschenmann, Division Chief, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, Community Parks & Conservation Division; Michael Piaskowski, Landscape Partnerships and Educational Services Section, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation; Meredith Hill, Director, Pennsylvania Wilds; and James Young, Environmental Planner 2.
Recognition is also extended to PDC staff members, including Emily Zebel, Graphic Designer, and Maria Wherley, Network Relations and Conference Coordinator (and proofreader), for their significant contributions throughout the project.
This project has been a collaborative effort among Bill Fontana, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, Julie Fitzpatrick, Assistant Director of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, and numerous individuals who provided input into the development of this concept. It is hoped that this handbook is just the initial edition of many more to come, as the field of community revitalization continues to evolve, alongside our understanding of the world around us.
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