Nature-Based Solutions & Re-Naturing Cities
- Harnessing Nature-Based Solutions:
- Nature-based solutions (NbS) leverage the power and complexity of nature to transform environmental, social, and economic challenges into opportunities for innovation. They offer sustainable ways to address societal issues, potentially contributing to green growth, future-proofing society, enhancing citizen well-being, creating business opportunities, and positioning Europe as a global leader in markets.
- Definition and Potential of NbS:
- NbS are actions inspired by, supported by, or copied from nature. They have the potential to be energy and resource-efficient and resilient to change. However, their success depends on adaptation to local conditions.
- Multiple Co-Benefits:
- Many NbS provide multiple co-benefits for health, the economy, society, and the environment, making them potentially more efficient and cost-effective than traditional approaches.
- EU Research & Innovation Agenda:
- A focused EU Research & Innovation (R&I) agenda on NbS will enable Europe to lead globally in both R&I and the growing market for NbS. Building a robust evidence base for the effectiveness of NbS and implementing solutions in collaboration with stakeholders is essential. Further investigation into the transferability and upscaling of solutions is needed, along with developing a systemic approach combining technical, business, finance, governance, regulatory, and social innovation.
- Principal Goals Addressed by NbS:
- Enhancing Sustainable Urbanisation: NbS can stimulate economic growth, improve the environment, make cities more attractive, and enhance human well-being.
- Restoring Degraded Ecosystems: NbS can improve ecosystem resilience, enabling the delivery of vital ecosystem services and addressing other societal challenges.
- Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: NbS can provide more resilient responses and enhance carbon storage.
- Improving Risk Management and Resilience: NbS can offer greater benefits than conventional methods, providing synergies in reducing multiple risks.
- Recommended NbS for R&I Actions:
- Urban Regeneration through NbS: Revitalize urban areas using nature-inspired solutions.
- Improving Well-Being in Urban Areas: Implement NbS to enhance the health and well-being of urban residents.
- Coastal Resilience: Use NbS to protect coastal areas from environmental threats.
- Watershed Management and Ecosystem Restoration: Develop multi-functional NbS for managing watersheds and restoring ecosystems.
- Sustainable Use of Matter and Energy: Increase sustainability in the use of natural resources through NbS.
- Enhancing the Insurance Value of Ecosystems: Employ NbS to boost the protective benefits provided by ecosystems.
- Increasing Carbon Sequestration: Implement NbS to enhance carbon capture and storage.
This report was produced by the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on ‘Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities,’ informed by findings from an e-consultation and a stakeholder workshop.
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