Of Streets and Squares Which public places do people want to be in and why?
If you want to go far, go together.’ We hope that this book marks an important step in the research on what makes for good and popular places. It has certainly been a collective effort. Above all, we would like to thank the Cadogan Estate for so generously sponsoring our research and their Chief Executive (Hugh Seaborn), Head of Building Surveying (Jane Henshaw), Head of Marketing and Communication (Caroline Jennings), and Jilly Maiklem for their supremely kind intellectual and practical support to the project.
The growing global network of Create Streets fellows has been essential to this research. Create Streets Fellow, Dr. Alessandro Venerandi, was very generous with his time in helping frame the overall research and also advised on the variables of urban form. Our conversation on beauty and place with Sophie Pringle, Create Streets Fellow and researcher and consultant at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, was particularly stimulating. Ann Sussmann very kindly reviewed and commented on our work. Finally, we were very lucky to be able to benefit from the long practical experience of John Massengale, Board member of the Congress for the New Urbanism and member of Create Streets America.
Beyond Create Streets, we are very grateful to Ben Page and Ben Marshall of Ipsos MORI, for their long experience and wise advice in helping frame our polling with Ipsos MORI. Dr. Stephen Law, researcher at the Turing Institute, was very generous with his advice on analytical techniques. Charles Montgomery of the excellent Happy City, Professor Nikos Salingaros, provided very welcome expert reviews and comments, for which we’re very grateful, and Dr. Matteo Barbone, researcher at Technische Universität München, for stimulating discussions on analytical technique. In the Create Streets office in London, Yasmin Lennon-Chong helped run the online visual preference surveys, produce the images and draft the text on results. Kieran Toms helped frame and interpret our visual preference surveys. Nothing would have been possible without Constance de Montigny, who keeps the wheels on the bus and the show on the street.