Profile DML
1. Brief History
Mandate of Founder of DML (Professor Emil Salim)
Wind of Change
Two hundred years ago, a revolution took place in England. People had been able to be productive using a human “made” energy, instead of being bound to natural energy. Then, they changed natural resources, a technology became a production factor, and the production factor was changed. Economy was turned into consumption good to meet the human’s need.
The world, however, keeps on rotating, forcing production wheels doing so, or otherwise, less productive factory and labors are forcibly put into dismissal. The production used to be consumption, but now turns into consumption for production. Then, ads are boosted to have people need the goods, passion of purchase is provoked, and the sense of needing goods is continuously stimulated, eventually bringing the rise of their consumption desire. Following this, the consumption attracts the production and the production absorbs the natural resources.
As a result, environmental problems come to the surface. The natural resources are completely exploited through the deepest part of the earth. The production is successful and results in a lot profits. However, the natural destructions are not included into calculation of production expense. The nature is free, no one has it but the God the Sole Creator, but who will remember the God when they are busy with production and consumption?
The production generates not only valuable goods, but also un-useful by products. Garbage, waste, and pollution are examples of by-products of production process. The unsalable by-products are then thrown into nature. Why? Because the nature is free. No certificate is needed to own air, seas, rivers, waters, lands, sound, aroma, and lights. In addition, there will be no one get harm when waste, garbage, and pollutants are thrown to air, sea, river, or land. In spite of expense allocation, it will not be included into the company’s expense.
There will be expense beyond the company that will be incurred by the society. This is the company’s responsibility. The manufacturer has paid tax to the government, assuming that their responsibility to the society is no longer applicable. With regard to the issues beyond the factory, that is not the manufacturer’s concern as long as it does not produce any money.
Then, the government tokes a step, pulling a line. The company is there, and the government is here. A lot of tensions happen here and there. When the pollution occurs, the company should take the responsibility. In return to this, the law of P3 (Polluter Pays Principle) was established, specifying that the polluter is responsible to make payment. Then, the atmosphere of mouse-and-cat game takes place.
When the company enforces a strict control, the companies will be subject to the regulation. When the government acts with insufficient attention, the companies will make use of such situation, and eventually neglect the regulations.
Suddenly, a renowned event “Johnson and Johnson” was revealed. The cure is mixed with poison. The consumers are excited and the company’s image is shaking. Suddenly, “Dow Chemicals” was sued by the vets of War of Vietnam because of being watered by “Agent Orange”, a toxic chemical. Suddenly, the “Union Carbide” factory in Bhopal brought disasters, thousands of people were died, tens of thousands of people got sore eyes, and hundreds of thousands of people suffered sadness.
Where is the separating line between the here and there? Who should be responsible if such condition occurs? Where is the “das Moral”? Is the feeling called as the moral responsibility?
The wind of change should be blown into the deep of our heart. The pollution and environmental issues do not commonly recognize the separating line between “here-there”. The toxic gas resulted from Bhopal factory did not distinguish between the people of government and company. The polluting gas will strike everyone, being deadly for all.
Therefore, the effort to prevent the pollution means to (i) improve the company’s image, (ii) reflect the company’s moral responsibility, and (iii) eradiate warmness and humanity.
The wind of change has blown through our land. In 1983, some community leaders had gathered and agreed to take any measure to safeguard the environment. They entered into an agreement through the Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi), a collaboration forum consisting of hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which were actively operating in developing environment on their own will and initiation.
They established the Friends of Environment Fund (DLM). They wanted to blow the wind of change through this DML, blowing down the wind of environment to allow us to become the partners of environment, whether they are people of government, company, banks, or everyone. Blowing down the wind of humanity means to allow the environment to develop for not only a single individual, not for a group, but for all mankind. Blowing down the wind of life means to allow the environment more developed, support the more quality and decent life to live. Thanks to DML, the wind of change will hopefully get more intense.
Our Betel
A piece of betel and a drop of continuously flowing water serve as a symbol of the Friends of Environment Fund (DML). It is estimated that approximately 400 million people or one tenth of population around the globe are consuming betel. Betel (Piper betle L.) is a propagating plant whose height can reach 15 cm and originated from Tropical Area and Eastern Africa, belonging to family of Peperaceae – same as the family of piper.
It initially grew in low land tropical forests with height up to 700 meters above sea level, and is then cultivated. The betel grows well in heavy clay soil and requires shelter or protection against the sun and wind.
The Indonesian people, from the east end in Irian Jaya to the west end in Aceh, are well familiar with the betel. For the people of Ormu Village in northern coast of Irian Jaya – that have once won “Kalpataru Award” in 1983 – the betel nut is a primary commodity for their earning.
In Bali, the betel is an important part of tribute that should always be present. Each kind of tribute comprises of three elements: betel, areca nut, and lime. In East Java and Central Java, a wedding ceremony is marked by the betel throwing ritual to both bridal couple.
In West Java, the betel-areca nut is given to parent in law by the son in law to symbolize the unity of two families.
In almost around Indonesia, the betel and areca nut serving becomes an opening of an activity and rituals. In Sumba, the conversation will not seem to be intimate until the guests chew the betel served. Most of Archipelagos record that to welcome a respectful person, betel and areca nut submission ceremony is conducted in cerana. From Sumatera, the term “Foreword” serves as an initiation of each communication.
In addition to a symbol of life, the betel has also practical benefits. Chewing the betel by the rural people of Indonesia has a lot of benefits, including refreshing mouth. In fact, the library states that the betel can serve as stimulant and tranquilizer. However, most people agree that the habit of chewing this could help strengthen their teeth.
It does not contain alkaloid, but it has phenol and sugar substance, which can kill germs. The leaf seems to be spicy for its essential oil content. It is also rich of vitamins B and C.
In its corresponding place, the betel which is traditionally known in Indonesia is used as DML’s symbol. Along with the water drop, after refreshing and keeping the leaves to live, continuously dropping to the surface of the earth, it refreshes and keeps the wider environment.
The Friends of Environment Fund (DML) was established in 1983, initiated by the leaders of community and employers. DML provides a forum for Indonesian industrialists to deepen as the result of their operational activities toward the environment from their operating activities and finds a solution to the difficult challenge of friendly environmental development. Although there are some approaches to come up with the solution, the DML’s approach to take the mediate method is to make effort to socialize the environmental methods and can fix the performance of a company and also improve the quality of life.
DML takes the middle position because their initiators understand the complexity of global economy apart from the environmental preservation. DML mission is to increase the awareness of the importance of environmental protection through the support of business world. The support of business world is also important for DML objective in creating balance between the environmental preservation and development of a nation.
DML continuously brings the environmental issues to the surface including air pollution, waste disposal, and polluted river waters which are used by millions of people as waste disposal and bathing places. The experts and DML partners closely work together with local agencies, public, and industries to help the growth of many practical and reliable proposals that can show sustainable recycling business efforts, and correlation between pollution prevention and productivity improvement.
B. Working Area
DML working area encompasses all regions around Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
C. Working Network
DML has once been the center of working network in distributing corporate donation for sustainable environmental development and growth. The working network comprises of Government, Companies, and NGO.
D. Type of Services
DML has contributed to the increased awareness, knowledge, and participation of people in planning and affecting the policy making process in environmental development in Indonesia. The services (products) that have been offered include books, policy brief, conference, seminar, and modules.
When it was first established, DML had strongly been determined to serve as the center of funding source for non-government organizations (NGOs) to develop and improve the environment in Indonesia. However, after the government enforced the policy on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for every company autonomously through the Government Regulation Number 47 Year 2021 concerning Corporate Social and Environment Responsibility, the DML’s role has evolved into a “connector” for the non-government organizations (NGOs) in accessing the funds for environmental development and preservation. In addition, DML has also been determined to serve as the connector (HUB) among, NGOs, Government, and Privates.
The type of services or products offered by DML include research, capacity strengthening, evidence based advocacy, counseling, publication, alternative media development, horizontal learning, and many more.
Organizational Structure
Founders :
Drs. Omar Abdalla (Bank Bumi Daya), Tanri Abeng MBA (PT Multi Bintang Indonesia), Letjen (Purn) D. Ashari (PT Redecon), Peter Z. Baldik (PT Sepatu Bata), Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo (PT Indo Consult), Drs. Th. M. Gobel (PT National Gobel), Dr. Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri SH (Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup), Ir. Yamani Hasan (PT Unilever Indonesia), Kismadi MA (Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup), R.G.I Leonard (PT BAT Indonesia), Wisaksono Noeradi (PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia), Brigjen (Purn) Djukardi Odang SH (PT Pantja Niaga), Drs. Jakob Oetama (Harian Kompas), Haroen Al Rasjid (PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia), Mochtar Riady (Bank Central Asia), Prof. Dr. Emil Salim (Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup), Drs. Frans Seda (PT Narisa), William Soeryadjaya (PT Astra International Inc.), Ken.T. Sudarto (Matari Advertising), Ben D. Wirawan (PT BAT Indonesia), Ir. Erna Witoelar (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia), dan Ir. Siswono Yudo Husodo (PT. Bangun Cipta Sarana).
Board of Trustees
Chairman : Agustanzil Sjahroezah
Members : Erna Witoelar; Muhtadi Sjadzali; Noke Kiroyan; RGE Joseph Pesik, Hermien Roosita; Supriadi Legino.
Board of Supervisory
Chairman : Rusdian Lubis
Member : Samsuhadi
Executive Board
Chairman : Nina Meilina
Vice Chairman: Oswar Muadzin Mungkasa
Secretary : Sarwo Handayani
Treasure : Endang Widayati
Members : Liliana D. Tunggal; Erny Herdinati; Arief Noerhidayat; Kurnia Perdana; Cahyaning Kartika Devi
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