
Street Design Manual for Oslo

This manual supersedes the “Street and Road Design for the City of Oslo,” revised in January 2018. The Street Design Manual is mandated for planning all municipal streets in Oslo. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Handbook N100 must be used for planning the municipal road network in Marka, protected forest areas surrounding Oslo. The boundary between Marka and the developed area is shown in Figure 0-1. Handbook N100’s requirements for geometric composition must be followed unless other requirements are presented in this manual.

The manual outlines the expected design of streets in new urban development areas. It also applies to the existing street structure, subject to change depending on compromises and deviations based on spatial limitations for street functions. The manual includes requirements and principles for street design and serves as a tool to be used in all phases: analysis, detailed planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of the City’s streets.

This street design manual is complemented by Standard Sheets for the technical design of measures and fact sheets on stormwater solutions. Standard Sheets illustrate details of universal design, use of materials, vegetation, and solutions that provide stormwater management and other infrastructure both above and below the ground.

Experts from agencies within the City of Oslo, Ruter AS, and Sporveien AS contributed to producing the street design manual. COWI AS served as the consultant for this work.


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