Urban development, if conducted in an unsustainable manner, stands as a primary catalyst for the loss of biodiversity. The burgeoning population within cities escalates the demand for infrastructure, placing significant strain on the environment. Moreover, the exacerbation of this impact by climate change is undeniable.
Opting to align with nature rather than working against it presents cities with direct advantages. Nature-based infrastructure (NBI) emerges as a solution that not only addresses infrastructure needs effectively but also withstands climate challenges. Additionally, it brings forth a plethora of benefits for citizens, including diminished air pollution and enhanced well-being.
Studies indicate that NBI implementation in urban settings is, on average, 42% more cost-effective and yields 36% more value compared to solely relying on conventional grey infrastructure. Noteworthy case studies by the International Institute for Sustainable Development underscore that for every dollar invested, NBI can potentially generate returns up to 30 times greater for society, rendering investments in urban nature economically feasible.
Moreover, embracing nature in urban development also bolsters investments in other sustainable infrastructure domains like mobility, water, and energy by augmenting their resilience and efficacy. However, there is a need for further research to comprehensively understand and quantify these benefits, thereby leveraging nature’s contribution to sustainable urban development to its fullest extent.
To harness the full spectrum of benefits that NBI offers, it’s imperative that the value of nature is placed at the core of strategic, cross-sectoral urban planning. Planners, policymakers, and budget holders must adopt a systemic perspective to ascertain the optimal utilization of NBI for fostering sustainable cities.
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